Summer Smiles Clarita (1L)


Specialty Pool Chemical

CLARITATM is a fast-acting clarifier that improves filter efficiency by coagulating fine particles suspended in pool water so that they can be trapped by the filtration system or settle on the bottom of the pool. Leaves water crystal clear.CLARITATM is not affected by chlorine, does not contain alum and works well at... Read More
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CLARITATM is a fast-acting clarifier that improves filter efficiency by coagulating fine particles suspended in pool water so that they can be trapped by the filtration system or settle on the bottom of the pool. Leaves water crystal clear.
CLARITATM is not affected by chlorine, does not contain alum and works well at all pH levels. Won’t alter the pH level of water. level.


  • Clarifies pool water


Application Method

  • Pour CLARITATM directly over the water’s surface in front of the water return jet.


  • CLARITATM must be added with the filter running.
  • Add CLARITATM according to the application method.
  • Wait 60 minutes before swimming.
  • Let the filter run for 8 hours.
  • If filter has reached the recommended maximum pressure, backwash the filter or rinse the cartridges.
  • If needed, vacuum the bottom of the pool.


  • For initial cloudy water treatment: Add 125 mL of CLARITATM per 10,000 L of pool water.
  • For weekly preventive treatment: Add 50 mL of CLARITATM per 10,000 L of pool water. Use weekly for crystal-clear
    pool water all season long.
  • For very cloudy water treatment: Add 250 mL of CLARITATM per 10,000 L of pool water.
POOL SIZE Less than 40,000 L 40,000 L to 80,000 L
Initial/Weekly Dosage
500 mL
1 L
Weekly Preventive Dosage 200 mL 400 mL
Very Cloudy Water Dosage 1 L 2 L



  • Compatible with salt systems.
  • Compatible with all types of filters.
  • DO NOT apply when swimmers are in the pool.

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