
AQ-TROL-RJ-CUL: Hayward AquaTrol 18K Salt System
Chlorine Generator
Aqua Trol is the affordable salt chlorine generating solution for above ground pools that saves you time and money while conveniently keeping your pool clean and safe. Warranty: 1-year Convenient salt sanitization for above-ground pools. AquaTrol® Salt Chlorination System automatically converts salt into chlorine to provide continuous sanitization, you can...
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Aqua Trol is the affordable salt chlorine generating solution for above ground pools that saves you time and money while conveniently keeping your pool clean and safe.
Warranty: 1-year
Convenient salt sanitization for above-ground pools. AquaTrol® Salt Chlorination System automatically converts salt into chlorine to provide continuous sanitization, you can say goodbye to mixing measuring and carrying buckets of chlorine.
Features & Benefits:
- Above-ground residential pools up to 18,000 gallons
- Suitable for new construction or renovation
- Quick and easy installation
- Silky, soft water that won’t irritate eyes, dry out skin or cause fabrics to fade
- Digital indicator display shows salt level and 7 other diagnostic metrics
- Super chlorinate function
- 24-hour timer to easily program custom schedules
- Smart dispensing function regulates levels automatically, or with manual switch On/Off/Auto
- Auto-reversing polarity, periodically cleans the salt cell to ensure best function
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