5-114-00: End Cap and Valve Assembly Replacement for Polaris Spa Wand
Cleaner Parts
The Polaris 5-114-00 is an end cap and valve assembly designed for the Polaris/Zodiac SpaWand, a handheld device used for quickly cleaning spas, pool steps, and swimouts without the need for hoses or hookups. This easy-to-replace part includes brass anchors and stainless steel springs. It's a simple and effective solution for maintaining your spa...
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The Polaris 5-114-00 is an end cap and valve assembly designed for the Polaris/Zodiac SpaWand, a handheld device used for quickly cleaning spas, pool steps, and swimouts without the need for hoses or hookups. This easy-to-replace part includes brass anchors and stainless steel springs. It's a simple and effective solution for maintaining your spa wand.
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