Summer Smiles Alka + (8kg)
Specialty Pool Chemical
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Raises Alkalinity in Pool Water
ALKA + prevents pH fluctuations and helps to keep pool water perfectly balanced to maximize the efficiency of sanitizers. Balancing alkalinity will also increase swimmer comfort and protect pool equipment. ALKA+ alsoraises the pH in water.
- Stabilizes pH fluctuations
- Increases swimmer comfort
Formats : 8 kg
Recommended Levels:
- The recommended alkalinity level is 80 to 120 ppm when using a chlorine sanitizer and 100 to 120 ppm when using a bromine sanitizer.
- Levels are determined with a test kit.
Application Method:
Slowly sprinkle ALKA + onto the surface of the water while walking all around the pool, or add it in the skimmer basket.
- Check water alkalinity every two weeks with a test kit.
- Make any necessary adjustments according to the application method and recommended dosage.
- Wait 20 minutes before entering the pool after adding the product.
To raise total alkalinity by 10 ppm, add 168 g of ALKA + per 10,000 L of pool water.
POOL SIZE | Less than 40,000 L | 40,000 L to 80,000 L |
TO RAISE TOTALALKALINITY BY 10 ppm | 700 g | 1.4 kg |
DO NOT apply the product when people are in the pool.
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