FG-IG20: Feherguard Inground Roller Tube for Up to 20 x 40 ft Solar Covers
Solar Blanket Accessories
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Aluminum Tube Only
Solar Roller Tube for the FGBH solar reel base kit. This base kit must be purchased separately. You can select this item from the drop down menu above.
Key Features
- For pools up to 20 x 40 ft
- Tubes feature a Mill finish
- Note: Roller tubes are not pre-drilled and will require punching
Product Warranty: 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty
Warranty Coverage: Feherguard Solar Reel Tubes come with a 1 Year Limited Manufacturers Warranty on parts. The manufacturer warrants their solar reel tubes against defects on workmanship and materials. This warranty will be void if the solar reel tube becomes damaged as a result of improper installation or use. Warranty does not cover labour charges, cost of lost water or chemicals, or any other damages that may occur.
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