PB4SQ: Polaris Energy Efficient Multistage Booster Pump with TEFC Motor .97 HP 115/230V
Cleaner Parts and Accessories
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The PB4SQ is an energy-efficient, multistage booster pump that operates quietly and is easy to install and service. It has been designed to provide optimum power to Polaris pressure cleaners.

The Polaris PB4SQ booster pump is a high-performance multistage pump that reduces energy use.

Quieter Operation
The Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) motor and innovative fan are designed for quieter operation.

Easy Installation
The PB4SQ booster pump includes Quick Connect fittings and easy access to wiring for simple installation.

Optimum Performance
The PB4SQ is specifically designed to operate pressure cleaners at optimum efficiency.
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